Author: admin
New book published with Grove Books in December 2024
We’re pleased to announce that a new short book by Paul Marston has been published by Grove Books in December 2024 entitled Death and ‘Hell’: What the New Testament Does and Does Not Teach
Can Dead Believers Interact with the Living?
In my book Hellfire and Destruction, I show that the Bible does not teach hell as unending suffering but destruction. I also argue that the most likely state for those who are dead and awaiting the resurrection is unconscious sleep. This present article asks whether the dead can come to visit the living and interact…
Memories and Tribute to Roger Forster
My wife and I heard with sadness that my longtime friend and co-author Roger Forster passed away peacefully in his sleep on 17th January 2024.
New book published: Hellfire and Destruction
In December 2023, a new book by Paul Marston has been published entitled Hellfire and Destruction: What Does the Bible Really Say about Hell? Published by Wipf & Stock, the book is available in paperback, hardback and kindle edition. Find out more below:
Author profile on GoodReads
Another small update to let readers know that you can now find Paul Marston’s books on GoodReads. Goodreads is the world’s largest site used by readers and has a really useful book recommendation feature which is often used by Kindle users. By being on GoodReads, it will help people discover the existing books written by…
Amazon Author page
Quick update to say that an Amazon Author page is now online, which aggregates all books available on Amazon written by the Christian author Paul Marston, you can access this here: Paul Marston’s book available on Amazon On the Amazon author page, you will be able to see Paul’s books available in print available directly…
Website refresh
This website has been given a long due refresh and now includes links to where you can download Paul’s publications and order his books. The first version of was put online in 2006 and built in static HTML and as such was difficult to update. This new website has been built in WordPress, with…